Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering laboratory Equipments

Sun LabTek Equipments India private limited, started by two young entrepreneurs with lots of enthusiastic and positive approach at the time when Indian economy was heading towards strongest zeal of growth and lots of global business intestests was looking for new horizons for fresh endeavour or life for making profits. We have burdens of experience in sales and marketing and we were analysing ourselves as where to start and what to start the business without money . Our business acumen was hitting high at the time and opportunities we were looking to establish ourselves. Our brains was doing brainstorming as we had no finances or financial backing.Civil engineering lab Equipments and Mechanical engineering lab Equipments was the interestingly doing good business and fortunately we had the similar experience and lots of engineering colleges were upcoming with great demands for engineering standards and skills.

Market was looking for new enterprises and entrepreneurs, so demand was high and everything was conducive for business. So we started with our experience and good contacts we had in market while working for our past companies. We got our first order of mechanical engineering lab Equipments with above 150% margin. That was a very special moment and so we started our business. I will share everything that took our stride to a new high with lots of perseverance, struggles, passion, competition and lots of backstabbing by our own employees. Finally we are well established and heading towards a new high without any remorse as we have achieved the life goal that many missses in the life. We had taken the challenge so we won the fight.